
And congratulations on taking the first step in protecting and creating wealth.

I am Viv, and I will help you by providing a sound financial plan that will empower you to create wealth and protect your family’s dreams.






Income Replacement

In these uncertain times, one of the main fears of a breadwinner is the loss of income.  Protect your income and secure a comfortable lifestyle for your family with our income replacement plans.

Health Funding

No one knows when medical emergencies will happen, but we can prepare for it. With Health Funding, instead of worrying where to get the funds, you can concentrate on getting better instead.

Education Funding

As parents, we want our children to have the best opportunities we can provide. Proper Education Funding will help you send them to the best Universities or College of their choice.

Retirement Funding

With our Retirement Funding plan, you’ll have enough funds to fully enjoy the longest vacation of your life! Let me help you ensure that your golden years are truly golden!

Estate Planning

You’ve managed to accumulate your wealth, now ensure that your family and loved ones can fully enjoy the fruits of your labor with responsible Estate Planning.


Group Insurance

Loyal and productive employees are the lifeblood of any business. Show your appreciation to the ones helping you run the day-to-day grind of the business by providing a comprehensive benefit package that ensures that they and their loved ones are protected from life’s uncertainties.

Financial Planning Seminar

According to Best Money Moves, financially worried employees are less productive and actually increases absenteeism. By providing Financial Planning Seminars to employees, you can help them be more financially savvy with their income, help them grow their wealth, and be more productive members of the company.

Business Insurance

The demise of a partner or shareholder is a huge loss to any business, the uncertainty and loss of morale is a huge blow, not to mention the financial consequences. Protect the business from financial loss with our Business Insurance.

Keyman Insurance

Businesses invest time, money, and effort to get the best executives and managers in their team. The demise of such highly valued executives would always entail some financial backlash. Keyman Insurance protects the business from financial loss so that the company can concentrate on training and grooming the next executive who will rise to the challenge.